Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bayi Paling Prematur Lahir di Jerman

Seorang wanita melahirkan seorang bayi hanya 21 pekan dan lima hari setelah mengandungnya. Hal tersebut membuatnya melahir seorang bayi paling prematur di dunia.

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Peliculas Online

'Bapak CD' Sony Meninggal Dunia

Mantan presiden dan chairman Sony yang berkontribusi besar dalam pengembangan compact disc (CD), Norio Ohga, meninggal dunia di usia 81 Sabtu waktu setempat akibat beberapa organ tubuhnya yang tidak lagi berfungsi.

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Peliculas Online

NASA Temukan 122 Bintang Kembar Baru

Ilmuwan NASA melalui Solar Terrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) telah menemukan 122 bintang kembar yang cahayanya sudah memudar, serta mengamati ratusan bintang lainnya.

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Peliculas Online

Kosmonot Rusia Tidak Pernah Ngeseks di Luar Angkasa?

Kosmonot Rusia tidak pernah melakukan hubungan seks di luar angkasa, dalam 50 tahun sejarah eksplorasi luar angkasa kami, menurut seorang ahli asal Rusia.

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Peliculas Online

Penutupan Layanan Google Video Ditunda

Google memutuskan untuk menunda penutupan layanan Google Video, karena mendapat keluhan pengguna atas ketidakmampuan mereka untuk memindahkan videonya ke YouTube.

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Peliculas Online

Charlie Sheen Kini Miliki Aplikasinya Sendiri

Salah satu selebritis ternama Hollywood, Charlie Sheen, kini memiliki aplikasi mobile-nya sendiri yang bernama 'The Masheen'. 

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Peliculas Online

Pengunduhan Firefox 4 Lewati Angka 100 Juta

Berdasarkan dari situs data statistik pengunduhannya, kini browser Firefox 4 yang diluncurkan bulan lalu, sudah diunduh lebih dari 100 juta kali.

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Peliculas Online

Ultah, Teleskop Hubble Rilis Foto Galaksi Unik

Di ulang tahunnya yang ke-21, teleskop Hubble milik NASA merilis foto galaksi unik berbentuk mawar.

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Peliculas Online

Twitter Akan Pindah Kantor

Twitter mengatakan bahwa mereka telah mendapat kesepakatan untuk pindah kantor yang berlokasi di tengah kota San Francisco.

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Peliculas Online

20 Kapal Kuno Ditemukan di Sri Lanka

National Archaeological Departement Sri Lanka telah menemukan bagian dari 20 kapal kuno di bagian selatan negara tersebut, ungkap seorang arkeolog.

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Peliculas Online

Thursday, April 21, 2011

China Catat Pertumbuhan Pasar Tercepat untuk iPhone

Ponsel pintar kebanggaan Apple, iPhone, memang laris-manis di pasaran. Namun tahukah anda jika China ternyata merupakan pasar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat untuk iPhone?

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Peliculas Online

Jabatan CEO Dicopot, Gaji Eric Schmidt Malah Naik

Setelah digantikan oleh Larry Page sebagai CEO, Eric Schmidt kini menjabat sebagai Executive Chairman di Google awal bulan ini. Hal tersebut tentunya berdampak pada gaji yang ia terima.

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Peliculas Online

Mars Lebih 'Basah' dari Perkiraan Sebelumnya

NASA menemukan bahwa daerah kutub selatan di Mars memiliki es yang 30 kali lebih banyak dari perkiraan sebelumnya.

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Peliculas Online

Gandeng IWAPI, Telkomsel Dukung Program MDGs

Bertekad membuktikan diri sebagai operator telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia, Telkomsel menggandeng Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia untuk mendukung program pembangunan milenium berbasis ICT.

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Peliculas Online

Kini Hadir Norton AntiVirus 2012 Beta

Norton oleh Symantec mengumumkan versi beta 2012 dari Norton AntiVirus dan Norton Internet Security yang meraih penghargaan, yang kini telah tersedia untuk diunduh dari Norton beta website.  

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Peliculas Online

Atasi Gizi Buruk? Makan Serangga!

Mungkinkah mengkonsumsi serangga menjadi jawaban untuk masalah kekurangan gizi atau malnutrisi yang masih terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia? Perwakilan Laos untuk organisasi PBB Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Serge Verniau berpendapat demikian.

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Peliculas Online

3 Juta Lebih 'Check In' di Hari Foursquare

Perayaan Hari Foursquare 2011 pada Sabtu pekan lalu cukup istimewa, karena tercatat ada lebih dari 3 juta check in yang dilakukan oleh pengguna Foursquare pada hari itu.

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Peliculas Online

Penggemar Harry Potter di Facebook Pecahkan Rekor

Halaman Facebook (Fans Page) untuk film Harry Potter, Harry Poter UK, telah memiliki satu juta penggemar. Sebuah rekor mencengangkan untuk sebuah fanpage film di Facebook.

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Peliculas Online

Q1 2011 Keuntungan Apple Melonjak 95 Persen

Apple dilaporkan mengalami lonjakan keuntungan sebesar 95 persen pada kuartal Januari-Maret 2011 dengan nilai USD5,99 miliar. Keuntungan tersebut didukung oleh penjualan yang kuat dari iPhone dan Mac.

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Peliculas Online

Wah, iPhone Lacak Lokasi Penggunanya

Sejumlah peneliti keamanan mengklaim jika Apple secara diam-diam melacak keberadaan para pengguna iPhone dan menyimpannya dalam file yang bisa diakses dengan mudah oleh bos yang usil maupun pasangan yang mudah cemburu.

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Peliculas Online

Noxx, Ponsel Android Rp1,3 Jutaan dari Telkomsel

Menyadari besarnya potensi pasar Android di Indonesia, Telkomsel bersama PT Cahaya Citra Infocomm (CCI) meluncurkan dua ponsel pintar Android Noxx sekaligus dengan harga terjangkau. Bukan hanya itu, pembeli ponsel ini juga akan mendapatkan paket bundling dari Telkomsel dengan nilai sekira Rp875 ribu.

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Peliculas Online

Do I Really Need a Smart Phone?

Have you been contemplating about getting that sleek new T-Mobile G1 or that AT&T Tilt? Do you really need it? You'll be surprised how much there is to consider when you opt for a smart phone. There are many pros and cons to getting that smart phone that many associates at your local cell phone dealer won't tell you because this person is trying to sell you the most expensive phone in the store and its equally expensive monthly plan.

I personally own a smart phone and I'm not saying they're no good. The truth is there are many good reasons to own one of these phones. I like to stay connected and a smart phone is one of the best ways to do it. I use my phone constantly, checking emails between meetings, surfing the web while waiting to be seated at my favorite restaurant, and even using my phone's GPS function to get to the restaurant. However, I didn't get a smart phone until recently, I really didn't think I needed a smart phone until I started my company, my internet store for cell phone accessories. A smart phone became a necessity so I could stay connected online to make sure my customers received prompt responses.

Now that I have established that I'm not anti-smart phone, I would like to point out why you may not want or need one. A smart phone usually uses more power than a regular cell phone, this means constantly charging it. A Motorola RAZR can stay on for 3 days; a smart phone used moderately will stay on for 1 day at best. If you plan to go on a long trip without an outlet where you can charge your phone, be sure to leave your power chugging phone at home.

Most smart phones also require that you get a data plan. This can potentially add another 20 to 30 dollars to your bill. Unless you plan to use the internet on a daily basis you will be paying this extra money for no reason at all. Sure this phone makes you look sophisticated, but you really don't need to pay an extra 200 or 300 dollars a year for it. Save your money and buy the newest and sleekest phone every New Year with the savings.

Additionally, smart phones are usually quite bulky, adding a lot of weight and taking away a lot of pocket space. This might force you to wear one of those dorky cell phone belt clips instead of being able to slip the phone straight into your pocket. Sure there is the keyboard for those of you who like to text but you can get that same feature with some of the newer phones that have a QWERTY keyboard. Although it does not seem like it adds a lot of weight or bulk in your pocket, after carrying your phone months and months, it will get in your way sometimes. If you don't plan to use your phone for extensive internet use, stick with a regular cell phone. They're usually very sleek and most carriers offer a limited internet plan which allows you to still stay connected without having to worry about people asking you why you have a brick in your pocket.

Whatever phone you decide on, be sure to pick up a new Bluetooth headset for it at

Al Yu

Smart Phones - Popular Models

Smart phones are springing up everywhere, ever since the iPhone was introduced. Many phones are on the market and each of them has something different to off consumers. A great smart phone to one person may be a horrible one to another. There are many uses to a smart phone so depending on what someone finds important might be the basis of their preference over one phone from the other.

Smart phones are like mini computers that offer phone service. A smart phone is a mobile phone that offers PC type options, you can surf the web, link to all kinds of social networks, and it has an external USB keyboard and has multiple opportunities for application developers.

There are several smart phones on the market; one is the HTC Hero Smart phone. It is a great phone that TELUS has developed. It has lots of applications attached to the Android market. You can use social sites such as Google, face book, Google talk, flickr, and HTC peep. You can also access someone`s entire information such as email, status update, and call history right on the same page. Another great feature is that you can change the face of the phone to suit your particular need and it can be done several times a day.

The Nokia N97 has lots of advantages to it. It has touch screen technology and a full QWERTY keyboard. It has a 32 GB and an internal flash memory. It supports 3G and is WiFi accessible. It has blue-tooth, GPS and 5 mega pixels. It is an unlocked phone however some complain that the applications are a bit out dated.

The T-Mobile with Google has a touch screen, Blue-tooth, WiFi access, 3G network and 3.2 mp. It is a light phone that looks great.

The Motorola Droid is also a great new smart phone. It has a large 3.7 inch screen with 16 million hues for color and 440 times 1854 of pixels. The color is bright, crisp and clear. The web is quick and easy to use and it has lots of applications. It has an Android 2.0 update that makes it new and popular. The phone is black and shinny and very elegant looking.

When you buy a smart phone you can purchase one from any electronic store or phone company. They are the newest popular type of phone and will have a huge display modeling the different ones. You can also buy one from the internet or even buy a phone on a buy and sell web page if you`re looking for a good deal. Phone companies also offer special deals when you sign up with a contract for a year or two or sometimes three.

Buying a smart phone will be a great decision for you that you will likely not regret. There trendy and hold so many features that you will wonder how you went about day to day without one. Just be sure to get one that has the features that you will actually need and use. Many people get smart phones that can do things they may not need. Or buy a phone with the wrong features for them making them useless for them. Ask the sales person as many questions as you can think of, even take a list with you to make certain that you leave with the right phone for you.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Your Used Smart Phone is More Valuable Than You'd Imagine

These days, the universe of cell phone users/owners is dominated (at least here in the United States, and particularly among working professionals) by smart phone owners/users. If you're looking to make the most of your day, advance your career by boosting your productivity, and take advantage of the extensive mobile communications networks covering the nation then there is simply no point in having a mobile phone that is not a smart one. At the same time, many people meeting these criteria also believe that there is no point in having one that is not part of the newest line: able to offer latest generation capabilities such as access to fourth generation mobile networks, sophisticated applications that permit the mobile user to perform tasks just as if they were seated in front of their office PC, and so on. Only then is their smart phone really a smart choice in mobile device; only then is it really valuable to them. Yet even when finishing what you consider to be the useful period of your current used one, it too can end up being quite valuable to the form of plain old hard cash!

It's time that people got smarter about the way they make the transition from one smart phone to the next, and in order to do so it is fundamental that such people realize the inherent value which their used one actually has. Though after months or even years of use the owner may consider that the product is quite simply devoid of all value, that could be no further from the truth. The reality is that in many cases a used smart phone that is still in relatively decent-though far from perfect-condition could get them upwards of $100 or even more; if in near perfect condition, it might even get them upwards of $200 from the right buyer. And that is precisely where the "trick" lies: knowing where to go for more-than-acceptable offers for your used phone.

And that inevitably will lead used smart phone owners to the web, where online electronics refurbishment businesses are waiting to make their day. There is no better place to go for taking advantage of the value that your used phone actually has, changing it in for cash and making the first step towards buying the latest smart phone model that you so eagerly want. You'll be astounded to see just how quick and simple it is to discover the actual value that your used phone currently has, and will find that sealing the deal on the sale could not be any easier. In fact, countless used smart phone owners have already taken advantage of such websites and within only a few days from first visiting the website, shipped off their smart phone and received a juicy payment for it. It's a truly unbeatable deal, and considering the environmental friendliness of patronizing such businesses (rather than adding to the growing problem of e-waste) it's a deal that all used smart phone owners should be considering.

Discover the value of your used smart phone with just a few clicks of a button by visiting'll be amazed by just how much they can offer you and the planet!

Introducing The Incredible Smart Phone Card

If you're seeking a smart phone card, I trust you understand precisely what you're If you're seeking a smart phone card, I trust you understand precisely what you're shopping for and experience less complications and spend less time locating details, information, and important facts compared to what I faced. I assumed it was going to be an almost effortless task. Boy was I wrong!

Thinking logically, just how many different types of cards would you expect to find? To start with, there are local calling cards, international calling cards, along with a SIM card that is used to unlock locked phones. Furthermore, you will find various types of card games and casino cards for use on your smart phone. The hottest and latest item turns out to be a small gadget used to turn your smart phone into a card reader.

Needless to say, the credit card providers will probably be jumping up and down to know that soon enough, in some locations, you will be able to use your smart phone to make monthly payments, doing away with the necessity of a debit or credit card in the not too far distance.

There are right now propositions for joint participation or partnerships being made between AT&T, Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile with Discover Financial Services as well as the Barclay's banking group. Mobile billing by means of the wireless carriers would most likely mean that the monthly charges will wind up on the monthly wireless bill. A number of transit terminals have begun processing smart phone payments for access payment to transit systems. It's not likely to entirely take the place of credit cards for a while, however the use of debit cards could be affected should this type of technology catch fire and becomes widely used. Prepaid calling cards for use on your Smartphone can be bought through your service provider or on the internet. Widespread buyers may very well be students, travelers, military personnel, missionaries and business travelers. Making calls with a pay phone can be quite costly and from outside the U.S.A. will set you back almost as much as $1.00 for each minute you are on the call. Those individuals that will be using a smart phone card will be saving a substantial amount of money.

Bear in mind the fact that it's less expensive to buy a number of cards in smaller sized amounts. Also, it is easier to use up all the minutes on that small card than the minutes of a card with lots of minutes on it. This is so because it can be difficult trying to keep track of unused minutes on cards with a lot of time on them. With cards

with a small amount of minutes, you just keep talking and can easily use up the minutes on one call!

I recently found myself astonished at the selection of smart phone software available nowadays. It is possible to download games, maps, textbooks, dictionaries, weather, music, and translators. That list comprises just the beginning of what's available to be downloaded. The majority of those things are no terribly expensive, in fact, some of them are actually free to download. Now, how many people don't like free things?

I found myself watching television the other day and saw Rachael Ray on her cooking show say that there's a smart phone app that will enable the viewer to follow her as she cooks and enable the viewer to copy what she does as you watch her. You have the capability to shop on QVC directly from your phone. You can also locate organizational programs that provide you with the ability to access your financial information whenever

you need it in a handy and confidential manner.

You can also be watching TV, be on the phone chatting with your friends and family, send out and receive your e-mail, and sit in a comfortable chair and use your smart phone to read that book one of your friends told you about last week. I am by no stretch of the imagination very sophisticated when it comes to the workings of modern day technical gadgets that have taken over our lives. Nonetheless, thinking about the reality of what can be done with smart phone cards finds me very interested to learn more about them. Perhaps if I begin to learn how to use a smart phone card, I will wind up being addicted to it and I will wind up having the constant urge to try out some of the more advanced capabilities of this marvel of our modern everyday life.

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Shop Online For Cheap Smart Phones

When it comes to gadgets, the internet has some of the best. From wrist watches to mp3 players and all other kinds of technological gadgets, you can find it all online. Not only does the internet have a wide variety of electronics to choose from, but many trustworthy companies guarantee their customers' satisfaction with a 30-day money back guarantee. With free shipping and low prices added on to that, some online suppliers are able to give their customers a better deal than any retail store could.

The world of technology is rapidly expanding and one of the most popular new gadgets is the smart phone. The internet has the latest in cheap phones from the Unlocked Meizu M8 Dual Band GSM 900/1800 16GB Smart Wi-Fi Mobile Phone to the AIRMA 3811 Quad Band Wi-Fi 3G Smart Cell Phone and the SUNNO A880 Quad Band High Definition HVGA Screen Smart Phone. No matter what kind of functions you need or desire, your favorite online gadget supplier has all of the best cheap smart phones to offer.

The Unlocked Meizu M8 Dual Band GSM 900/1800 16GB Smart Wi-Fi Mobile Phone comes in both black and white and it is loaded with exciting features. With a 3.4 inch 720x480 high definition display screen, you can access the web through Wi-Fi, play back video, and play games all with one gadget. The AIRMA 3811 Quad Band Wi-Fi 3G Smart Cell Phone is another great option in cheap smart phones because it supports 3G video and applications like Excel, Word, and Skype. Perfect for any individual from the businessman to the college student, the AIRMA is the latest in smart phone technology.

The SUNNO A880 Quad Band High Definition HVGA Screen Smart Phone is not to be neglected, however, because it too is one of the best cheap smart phones on the market. This model supports Skype, MSN, as well as Office and other PPC software. Do not forget the HVGA screen and the high-quality multimedia play functions, however, because they are what make this model unique. Whether you need a cell phone with TV and Wi-Fi functions or just a simple mobile phone for talk and text, the internet has many options for you to choose from. Before you shop at a retail store, take a look at what the internet has to offer and you will surely not be disappointed.

For more information on cheap smart phones or to purchase them online visit today!

Do You Need a Smart Phone or an iPod Touch?

To choose between a smart phone and an iPod Touch, the features of each device must be considered carefully. This will reveal which one can best address a person's specific needs or requirements.

The two gadgets are really much the same, except that a smart phone can make phone calls, whereas an iPod Touch cannot. So, if the person needs a phone, he should go for a smart phone. But if he doesn't want a phone or already has one, perhaps the iPod Touch would be the better choice.

The main features of an iPod Touch are:

? It can play music, videos and games.

? It can be used to surf the Internet through a WiFi connnection. One can visit social networking sites, send and receive emails, and watch YouTube videos.

? It has a resistive touch screen which makes for enjoyable gaming and easy online navigation (and offline device navigation as well).

? Apps can be downloaded and used on the iPod. There is a huge number of apps to choose from, including productivity and utility apps, games, multimedia players, educational apps, books, magazines, newspapers, maps, graphics apps, and so on.

? It has two cameras: one forward-facing and the other rear-facing.

? It has ample flash memory: 32 GB or 64 GB on available iPod models.

? It is very stylish, and looks much like an iPhone.

If these features are what a person is looking for, then he can happily choose an Touch over a smart phone. Again, should he need a gadget that can make calls, he should choose a smart phone. In he goes in this direction, he should be aware that not all smart phones are alike. They have different capabilities and features. There is a wide variety of smart phones to choose from, from different manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony Eriksson, Nokia, HTC, Palm, Motorola and, of course, Apple. Some phones have more features than others. They also operate using different systems or operating platforms. Apple uses the iOS platform, which is what powers the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. The Android operating system is seen in more smart phones, such as those by HTC and Samsung, and is increasingly gaining in popularity.

In addition to making phone calls, a smart phone usually has these features:

? Internet connectivity, through WiFi and/or cellular networks such as 3G or EDGE

? Other connectivity features: bluetooth, infrared, USB ports, flash storage

? PDA (personal digital assistant) features such as calendars, contacts or address books, to-do tasks, notes and others

? Keyboards, which may be the QWERTY-type, slide-out, or on-screen

? Camera

? Music and video player

? Document viewing and/or editing capability

A number of these features are already built-in on the iPod Touch. Those that are not can usually be installed by downloading iPod Touch apps. To date, there are over a hundred thousand iPod Touch apps available in the Apple Store. It is just a matter of finding the right apps to install to meet a person's particular needs or satisfy his whims.

To sum up, deciding whether to get a smart phone or an iPod Touch boils down to the answer to this question: Will the gadget be used to make phone calls? If the answer is yes, the smart phone is the smart choice. And if the answer is no, the iPod Touch will satisfy with flying colors.

Want a smart phone, but can't afford one? Did you know you can make money from iPhone apps? Read the expert reviews at, your resource for the top iPhone apps as well as the best applications for iPad and iPod touch.

Smart Phones - Are They Really A Smart Decision

First, there was the standard land line phone system; then came the cell phone - a convenient little portable item that everyone adopted a "must have" attitude toward. Progress didn't stop there, however. Now, we have the Smart Phone - the answer to the on-the-go lifestyle that demands immediate access to whatever electronic needs that we happen to have, in addition to the ability to phone our family and friends for a chat whenever the whim presents itself.

To be sure, Smart Phones are capable of extraordinary electronic feats, but convenience - especially that of the technological variety - always comes at a cost, and this one comes with quite a hefty one. The bottom line is that, if you plan to buy a Smart Phone, then plan on paying a visit to the loan officer of your local bank on the way to the store. These electronic marvels are designed to bring true computer capability right to the palm of your hand, but most people will have to put some serious thought into the type of financial commitment that they'll have to make in order to become the proud owner of a brand new bouncing baby Smart Phone.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Smart Phone

Just like anything else, Smart Phones have their bright and dark sides and, depending upon how much you're willing to compromise, they'll either be a great investment for you, or not at all worth the money that you've invested.


For those who, until now, had been carrying around a mobile phone and PDA, this combines the two into one unit, without losing any of the capability of either format.

This is definitely a multi-media friendly device, offering the opportunity to enjoy both audio and video files - or both, if you prefer - without a lot of hoopla.

Cell phone software companies have taken quite kindly to the Smart Phone and are fully supportive of it when it comes to developing software that's compatible with these units - especially those in the game and entertainment industries.

If accessories are your thing, then you'll love the number of add-ons that you can purchase to go with your new Smart Phone - including those which utilize Bluetooth technology.


Unless you have very good vision, you might have trouble reading the screen on the Smart Phone - it's smaller and the resolution isn't as sharp as that of a Pocket PC.

Text messaging and other text-related capabilities are compromised as a result of the limited text-entry that's intrinsic to these devices.

Unlike the Pocket PC, Smart Phones are missing some applications that are critical to some users. Among these are Microsoft products, such as Pocket Excel and Pocket Word.

You may be told that you'll have nationwide coverage, but the reality is that coverage of that type only includes larger cities with higher populations. As a result, there's quite a menu of non-service areas.

Smart Phone Features

Much like a mini-computer with telephone capability, these devices are often seen as handy little items for meeting most or all of the needs of those who are on the run, but want to have access to their PC and phone service, regardless of where they roam.

Cell phone service is certainly one of the major perks of the Smart Phone - complete with voice mail. Just as in the case of mainstream cell phone varieties, specific service plans can be purchased for these, depending upon your particular needs and preferences.

Internet connectivity is also an available Smart Phone feature, allowing you to retrieve wireless e-mail messages and gain access to search engines and other online goodies. Just pop open your flip phone and jump onto the web.

If you're interested in games, the Smart Phone offers those, as well. A variety of computerized games can be played - either online or through special software - just as if you were using your home PC.

Office functions, such as certain Windows or other Microsoft programming, are also available, allowing you to create and store files for future use.

If you're bored and have a bit of extra time on your hands, you can even gain access to online movies through the video feature that the Smart Phone has to offer. Or, if you prefer, you can listen to your favorite tunes as a result of the audio features.

Photography is also an option when you invest in a Smart Phone. Just as with the mainstream camera phones, these devices offer instant pictures that can be viewed on-screen immediately after they're snapped. These units, however, are more than just cell phone cameras, so if you're looking for something more, think "Smart Phone".

Smart Phone Pricing

Although these have been compared to PDAs on a certain level, Smart Phones are definitely more sophisticated - and more compact. As compensation for these conveniences, however, you must be willing to pay a hefty price. Typically starting at about $600 and ranging into the thousands, Smart Phones may be all the rage, but if you're planning to buy one simply for the novelty of it all, then you should save your money and stick with something a bit less progressive.

Keep in mind that additional costs will be incurred in order to establish phone service and gain internet connectivity. That equates to the price of the unit plus the additional charges for basic services and any special features that you choose to opt for - all of which can add up to an exorbitant amount of money.

The best way to keep down your expenses is to take the time and effort to do some online research before you make a commitment to buy a Smart Phone or specific service plan that you'll need in order to fully utilize all of the features that it offers. By simply typing "smart phone comparison" into the keyword area of any major search engine, you'll have cost and feature comparison information at your fingertips, which will help you to determine which one is right for you - if, indeed, any of them are. Is investing in a Smart Phone a wise decision? Only you can decide.

About the Author

Samantha Goode is a freelance technology writer who loves to provide tips to consumers shopping for smart phones [], pda phone [] and blackberry pda [].

Smart Phone is Here to Stay

Technologically challenged people - get smart! There's simply no getting away from the astonishing advancement of technology and so if you are one of those still obstinately clinging onto your land phone or have only made tentative forays into the world of cell phones - get up and smell the coffee! The smart phone is here and is all set to replace the normal cell phone also! Till not so long ago, the normal cell phone was considered to be the height of new technology, but now with the arrival of the smart phone, it has started to seem obsolete.

A smart phone is a totally integrated mobile device with innumerable features and uses. Some of them are:

Smart phones have various message options like the SMS messages, voice mail, chat functions of yahoo and MSN and all email functions. These phones can connect you to your email address, allow you to send faxes and open any internet site. The device is operated by a special software and it permits you to read all business documents in such formats as text documents, spread sheets and etc., and it is possible to edit the documents also. A keyboard very similar to the one of a full-fledged computer is another feature of a smart phone. A high resolution LCD screen ensures that images and displays are of the highest quality.

A high-quality camera is a must in any good smart phone and it is normally not less than a 1.3 mega pixel with video recording abilities. The images and clips captured on this camera will be free of distortions and of superior quality.

The Bluetooth headset which is in-built in smart phones is one of the most attractive features of these devices. Bluetooth technology has become essential for wireless communication and a Bluetooth-enabled smart phone can send and receive data to and from similarly-enabled devices like laptops, PCs, Macs or other cell phones. This certainly simplifies matters of communication.

Another important feature of these phones is the in-built digital mp3 player. Now, this is a really cool feature of these phones and no wonder Gen Y (members of generation Y are primarily the offspring of the baby boom generation) is so hung-up about them. No matter where you are, you can tune into your favorite music anytime. This format can play WMA, WAV and various other famous music formats.

Anyone with a bad sense of direction need never fear getting lost if they have a smart phone as it comes equipped with a GPS navigation system.

Now that the benefits of smart phones have been established it is necessary to move on to the next step of how to make your smart phone secure. Just like your computer, it is essential to secure the data in your phone from viruses and theft. One of the ways to do it is not to post your email id or phone number on the web while accessing emails. This is because attackers often use software which can access email addresses and then target them for spam or attacks.

Avoid downloading files from unknown sites or sites which appear fishy as most probably they will contain a malicious code. Downloading games and other software and etc., can seem tempting but try not to do it on your phone as this may result in unsolicited mail. Check the security settings of the phone regularly and use firewalls and other safeguards to ensure its security from any potential threats.

Knowing something about the various features of the smart phone and the security measures to be taken alongside should prove to be a bit helpful even for those who are scared of ever-changing technology.

Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for PoloMercantil

Cell Phone Advertisements, Cell Phone Plans, and Smart Phone Choices Considered

It is absolutely amazing and somewhat overwhelming all the cell phone plan choices. As I was watching the Olympic Curling Event, I noted an advertisement by Wal*Mart that was offering 1,000 minutes and 1,000 text messages for the low price of "X" amount of dollars per month - "Straight Talk" program.

Apparently, they've hooked up with a major carrier of cell phone technology such as AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon, and although I didn't get the sense of which carrier they are partnering with, I sure see the synergy. And that is a pretty good deal if you consider your current cell phone plan.

Indeed, I suppose there are several phones to choose from with rebates on each, or even a free-phone with a sign-up and activation fee if you do not need a tricky smart phone with maximum features.

Consider if you will that Wal-Mart has an unbelievable amount of customers coming in and out of their stores, the sheer number and volume of their present customer base is enough to make them the largest cell phone company with the most subscribers on the planet, it would only take them a few years to catch up to the leaders and then pass them. After all, they are already the largest corporation and they hire more people than any single company, or government in the world.

All too often we are so concerned with what is happening in Silicon Valley, and we watch the stock market in the personal tech sector for companies like Research in Motion, Apple, and Google. We watch companies like Nokia, Motorola, and others show off their latest devices. But consider if you will a large retailer with that type of power that Wal-Mart has, they will revolutionize the low cost end of the cell phone industry. This in turn will drive down prices, create a great amount of competition, and in the end it will be very good for consumers.

Companies like Apple, Google, and Research in Motion will have to offer their iPhones, Androids, Google Phones, and Blackberries must compete on price too or miss out on this large clientele. But you can hardly go anywhere, or pick up any newspaper including the Wall Street Journal without seeing lots of ads for new smart phones hooked to special promotional programs from various wireless companies.

In a recent ad in our newspaper locally, I noted that a small wireless reseller was offering the Blackberry Curve model 8530 smart phone for only $49, which included $100 rebate, if you sign up for a two-year service agreement, and the total price been only $149.99 total. I am sure you've seen similar offers in your local paper in your area too.

This same company offered an LG LX 370 smart phone for free with a two-year service agreement, and they also offered the new Sanyo Incognito for only $49.99 after the two-year service agreement and mail-in rebate. All these offers including the one at Wal-Mart have early termination fee fines, some of which are up to $200. Nevertheless, it is fairly obvious to see that there is competition in the marketplace and a lot more to follow.

If you've ever wanted to get a cell phone, or change your service plan, now would be the time to start shopping around.

Consumers and business owners alike are now taking advantage of these smart phones. In fact, in the Wall Street Journal there is a full page ad which seems to be running nearly every day that hooks up with Sprint. It is a full page ad and offers discounts on the Samsung Moment, Palm Pixi, or the Blackberry Curve model 8530 smart cell phone. It includes a testimonial from PC World, and explains that you can go into any Best Buy or RadioShack and get the same deal.

It appears that the industry plans to push forward this as Google and Apple advances with their own recent technology offers. Are we seeing a saturation in the marketplace, is everyone getting into the cell phone business, doesn't everyone already have a cell phone, isn't everyone already locked into a contract?

The answer is yes and no, it might even be worth paying the penalty fee and jumping out of your current contract to save money and get a new phone. If you are like me perhaps your one year, 18 month, or two year contract is now up, and you'd like to move up in the world with a new smart phone.

Most of these cell phones include navigational GPS software, digital camera with video capture, and data feed features, which allow you to surf the Internet. Some of them have keyboards and the technology today was unheard of just a few years ago. You see, it's not just Apple's new iPad, Barnes & Noble's new Nook, or's new Kindle that is changing the landscape of personal technology. In fact, these new smart cell phones are getting so robust in technology that even Palm is noting that its PDAs are not selling any more.

If you think that the earthquake in Chile, or the devastating earthquake and Haiti is significant, then I think you need to check out the rumblings in the personal technology in the marketplace. It appears that the CES show in Las Vegas, along with Comdex in 2010 were merely the tip of the iceberg, and the global demand is melting it faster than the producers can bring them to market. The US electronic consumers and first adopter technology lovers haven't seen anything yet.

Motorola's new projection cell phones technology will soon be hitting the scenes as well. Nokia promises to roll out some incredible new personal tech hardware and smart cell phone technology in the near future. The sky is the limit and it's hard to say what comes next. As we look back it's almost hard to say which came first the chicken or the egg - that is to say the 3G or 4G wireless technology schemes, or the new high-tech devices which will run on them.

The reality is that this technology is evolving at an incredible pace. And everyone is getting in on it including Intel with their new smart phone chips. Recently, I listen to the CEO of Intel on a conference call to investors and Wall Street explain how their new smart phone chip was going to be a huge moneymaker for the company, and how they were charging ahead. Perhaps, you will please consider all this, and e-mail me and tell me what you think.

Lance Winslow is a Cell Phone Technology Writer, and specializes in Futuristic Topics and Personal Technologies such as smart phones, cell phones, and mobile technologies. Learn more about your options with various Cell Phone Plans. Please visit

Note: All of Lance Winslow's articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers.

Smart Phones Surpassing PDAs

Smart phones have taken the world by storm. There was a time when a phone was just a phone that simply allowed you to talk with someone that wasn't in your presence. As technology has become more compact, so have the capabilities of the communication devices.

Most phones that are on the market have some smart phone capabilities. There are calendars, address books, and games. The true smart phones take the laptop and put it into a portable system.

1. E-mail. Many allow the use of the internet (often through a VOIP server) to allow the user to stay connected even when phone service is not an option.

2. PDF and spreadsheets. There is some serious power in the palm of your hand, especially in the newer smart phones. Not only can you down load important documents using the phone, but many come with a keyboard that actually allows you to work in the phone.

3. Expanded PIM information. Not only do these phones offer a calendar and address book, but they allow for to-do lists, automatic notices to remind the user of important dates, and contact list to keep up with important people and companies.

What is most surprising about the smart phone industry is how much it has already accomplished is such a short time. Most experts consider smart phones to only be in their infancy. Still, there is already so much that can be accomplished with these compact units. It almost boggles the mind that there is so much more potential in the technology that smart phones are utilizing to make using them easier, faster, and more efficient.

The smart phones may still have a little perfecting and improvement that needs to be done before they push the PDAs off the top of the mountain, but they are not far from being crowned king of the communication competition.

Kathryn Lang is a freelance writer covering the office telecoms industry. She has written various articles on Smart phones and Smart phones news.

Cell Phone Technology - Unleashing the Future of the Smart Phone

Most people do not realize how fast mobile cell phone technology is moving today, it seems to be exponentially increasing. As we study all the new applications and features along with all the new devices, we see that there is no stopping these advances. The question is; are you in or out? Will you embrace these new technologies and applications or fear them. Are you sure you trust these innovations? What about privacy, hacking, what about the future?

To quickly illustrate just how fast things are moving in the smart phone space, let me give you a few examples. These are up to date, as in this week; personal tech articles in the smart cell phone industry. The first article I found in, an article titled: "Check this out: Deposit money by taking a photo," By Andrew Vanacore - AP Business Writer / February 23, 2010. In the article the writer states:

"In the near future, you might not even have to visit a bank or an ATM to deposit a check. You'll simply snap a couple of photos of it with your cell phone. Applications to do just that are already available for Apple's iPhone and other gadgets from USAA, a company that provides insurance and banking mainly for military veterans."

He goes onto explain in this personal mobile smart cell phone tech piece that banks such as Chase, B of A, and Citibank appear to be all in with this technology suggest the article's author, and they will introduce this technology in 2010. The concept is called "remote depositing capturing," and where as this seems to be great technology and a user friendly concept, we must also recall the target that mobile users have become from hackers, especially as we learn of the release of secret codes used to encrypt such devices.

Scary stuff, for those using such applications, but indeed, it would sure make electronic wired deposits easy wouldn't it? Of course, if cell phone banking bothers you, perhaps we should suggest window shopping in real time via your cell phone? No sense in shopping tell you drop anymore, just walk by the window, even if the store is closed and press buy, and it's yours, and will be sent to your home. Online shopping while window shopping.

A recent article in the New York Times explains it all. The title of the article; "Cellphones Let Shoppers Point, Click and Purchase" By Stephanie Rosenbloom - Published: February 26, 2010. The author explains how shoppers can use their cell phone to order from the window of a retail store, and buy online simply by pointing at the item in the window; wow, now that's cool.

Wow, what a concept, all this via your smart phone technology. And this is something that will definitely be a hit with shoppers and cell phone users. Okay, so what about Skype smart phone calls? Yes, that too is available now; In TopNews online of India and article titled; "Samsung embeds Skype" which was submitted by Jimmy Peterson on Sat, 02/27/2010 - 12:25 explains it all. The article researched the impressive growth of Skype usage features in various smart phone devices, as if it could become the international standard for all cellphones in the future. Panasonic and LG are already offering this, and it is a big hit in the EU and Asia markets.

As fast as one company introduces a new feature, all the others seem to follow. Just because Apple or Google has a new application, does not mean the industry will not make that a standard feature on all smart phones, just like digital camera, video clips, etc. Sure the technologies or applications might work slightly differently due to patents, software, device hardware, but essentially all companies will offer all applications eventually.

The competitive nature of the industry is heating up as 100s of millions of Chinese, Indians, South East Asians, Africans, and South Americans are getting their first mobile devices, face it, it's a mobile wired world. In fact, in a recent article in MB Manila Publishing Company's online version; "Report: Global phone sales grow 8% in Q4," By Melvin G. Calimag on February 27, 2010, 2:19pm explained how smart phone sales are hitting record numbers in 2009 up nearly 25% and could double in 2010.

Indeed, I'd say this is an exciting time in the mobile smart personal tech sector, perhaps, you'd like to upgrade, and get on board and enjoy some of the incredible applications which are being announced monthly, even weekly in some cases. Why not consider upgrading your cell smart phone device and signing up for a new cell calling plan? Please consider all this, because our Online Think Tank is.

Lance Winslow is a Cell Phone Technology Writer, and specializes in Futuristic Topics and Personal Technologies such as smart phones, cell phones, and mobile technologies. Learn more about your options with various No Credit Check Cell Phone Plans. Please visit

Note: All of Lance Winslow's articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers.

6 Smart Phone Tips to Enhance Your Business

If you are one of those busy executives that find juggling work and life difficult, a smart phone can come to your rescue. It is one of the blessed gadgets ever invented for business professionals who find 24 hours too short for an entire day. Hence, many of them prefer using their idle time to catch up with their pending work while they travel to work and back, or even socialize a bit in the middle of a busy day to catch up with their personal life. Therefore, a smart phone is not just a companion for many, but a virtual life-support they cannot live without. Let`s take a look how a smart phone can help you manage different things simultaneously.

Email sending - In fast paced life we live today, communication means everything. But, when it comes to business communication, a smart phone does more than just good to many business professionals. Most smart phones are equipped with `Push Email` feature that makes emailing a breeze and therefore, helps people communicate much more frequently with their superiors, subordinates, bosses and clients alike. Hence, this popular gadget has improved the efficiency of many professionals who are pitted against the hectic earlier, offering cellular communication a whole new meaning.

Office on the go - Thanks to the smart phone device, millions of executives around the world can now prepare their power-point presentation while traveling to work. With innovating mobile office features, catching up with their spreadsheet, and preparing other documents on the go, is a reality now.

Video calling - Some smart phones are fully 3G enabled, which means they have a front camera to facilitate video calling. This feature is very useful for those who need to hold important meetings with their clients or customers but cannot do the same physically. Video calling helps business professionals save critical time for executing important assignments.

Blogging - Smart phones have qwerty keypad facility which is highly ergonomic and much better than most keypads of traditional cell phones. Apart form sending quick text messages, they help you blog and tweet at your whims and fancy. This is a great advantage for many busy professionals who do not find time for updating their blogs on a regular basis. With the smart phones enabling you to take pictures, emailing and uploading them to your blog posts, online bogging has now got a new definition.

Social Networking - This is probably one of the smartest things that smart phones have done to the corporate world. Today`s businesses have a high degree of dependence on online social networking. With smart phones, business executives can now connect to their contacts via social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Being in touch with people within your network and expanding business contacts with people holds the key to a successful business expansion. With this new gadget, online social networking has become far too easy for anyone.

Picturing capturing - No! We are not talking about taking pictures of your family, friends or colleagues at a weekend cocktail party. The all new smart phones help you take pictures and use them for much better purposes than ever before. Assuming that you are a bibliophile and have an account online public library, you can whip out your smart phone and take a picture of the cover and then log in your online public library website and search for the same book to read.

There are more to making calls when it comes to the widespread applications of smart phones. It is no wonder why so many business people now carry one of these smart cellular phones and consider them as one of the must have business tools.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Are You Smart Enough For A Smart Phone?

Get ready, the smart phone might just be the next

"Must Have" tech device. Don't laugh, this may be more

true than many of us realize or would like to believe.


Mainly because the smart phone fulfills our ever increasing

need for a mobile device that gives us all the features of

a laptop/internet/phone in one small package. We want it all

and we want it small. Go figure!

For regardless of the size of our brain cells, we all need a

small communication device that keeps us constantly connected no

matter where we are. Connected to friends, family or business

via a phone and the Internet. Totally connected to our lives

and our sense of "self".

So will you pass the smart test when it comes to smart phones?

Or are you still scratching your head, wondering why you would

need another techno gizmo cluttering up your life?

If you're still wondering, here are seven reasons or factors why it

would be smart for you to consider getting a smart phone.

1. PDA and Cell Phone Combo

A smart phone is really a combination of a cell phone and

a pda. You get the best of both worlds: a cell phone and

the functions of a pda in one simple small device. Smart

phones can come in different designs: candy-bar, clamshell,

slider and flipper.

A smart phone offers many pda-like features but keep in

mind it is still more like a mobile phone than a dedicated

PDA, which offers larger screens and more applications.

A PDA is more like a small computer or laptop than a cell


As technology becomes faster and smaller one can expect

smart phones to become more like a dedicated PDA, offering

more applications and more functions of a conventional

handheld in a smaller package.

2. Mobile Convenience

Perhaps the greatest advantage of having a smart phone

is the mobility it gives you. You can stay in constant

contact with all your friends, family or work.

For mobile professionals it can be a very convenient and

practical way to stay in contact with your work.

3. Laptop Mini-Me

The smart phone and especially the Pda phone can be

a simple laptop that you can take anywhere. This device

can take the place of a small laptop keeping you connected

via phone and the Internet to all the information you need.

Extremely useful for students and in-the-field professionals

such as real-estate agents, builders, architects...

Although they are slightly different creatures, the line

between a Pda Phone and a Smart Phone is blurring real fast.

Smart phones are usually smaller and offer less features

than a Pda phone which is more related to a PDA (Personal

Digital Assistant) or a Handheld PC.

4. Entertain Me

Increasingly, these smart and pda phones come equipped

with countless games, MP3, camera, video... all to

entertain you. Important on those long plane or car

trips with unexpected stop-overs. Also great to keep

any complaining off-spring totally enthralled and

completely oblivious to their surroundings for hours

at a time. Save big on your headache meds by getting

a smart phone for little junior or little miss!

5. The Lost Factor

Just admit it, we have all been lost at some time in our

lives. Now you don't have to be; many of these smart

pda phones come with a GPS system to keep you in touch

with your location at all times. Become totally

grounded with a smart phone!

6. The Cool Factor

There has to be something said about style; these

smart phones are sleek and stylist. Fashion should

not be a reason to buy a smart phone but sadly it

will be a major factor for many who do buy one.

7. The iPhone Factor

You can expect the "Cool" factor to leap-jump when

the iPhone hits the market. The iPhone may do for

smart phones what the iPod did for MP3 players.

Hey, there is nothing cooler than an Apple anything!

Besides the cool factor, the iPhone will probably

revolutionize how we perceive and look at smart phones.

It will elevate the smart phone to unheard of heights

and place it center stage in our lives.

Most of us will be smart enough to quickly grab one of

these techno marvels. How about you? Will you be smart

enough to get a smart phone or will you take the opposite


While you're making up your mind, just remember you

don't have to be an Einstein to appreciate the

smart phone. Nor does being a prime candidate for

the next Jackass video necessarily rule you out

-- everyone can benefit from having a smart phone.

To get a Free smart phone with a service plan Click Here: Free Smart Phones For the latest PDAs and Cell Phones go here: Pda Phone Deals Copyright ? 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Are We Honestly More Intelligent Than Our Smart Phones?

Perhaps I should be asking that another way. Am I intelligent enough to make use of smart phones?

Everyone who is familiar with me would in all likelihood respond with a definite "NO." The reality that I am technologically disadvantaged is not any hidden secret, but some people find their precious wireless smart phones to generally be an essential component of their day-to-day lives. They are accustomed to a great deal more than simply talking with close friends!

Smart phones are certainly a lot more than merely mobile phones. They are really a lot more like a good mobile computer system. They provide considerably more computing capability as well as connectivity compared to a common cell phone. With a smart phone a person can set up as well as operate all sorts of state-of-the-art programs. They're nicknamed a PPA (personal pocket computer) allowing you to make an online purchase, download quality recipes as well as video games, look at your bank account balance, textual content, take pictures as well as videos, not to mention your ability to speak to your buddies as well as strangers. That doesn't in any way come close to all the things you are capable of doing using these small gadgets. Approximately 45.5 million men and women in the U.S. possess a smart phone, which is the fastest growing sector of the mobile phone market.

The earliest smart phone was created by IBM in the form of a concept item in 1992. It was known as Simon and was added to the marketplace in 1993. By today's criteria, it might be regarded as a lower end device, however it was considered to be very innovative and technologically advanced at that time. In addition to use as a mobile cell phone, Simon was built with a calculator, calendar, notepad and world clock. It had the capability to deliver and receive faxes, not to mention video games. There were absolutely no actual physical control keys, however it had a predictive keyboard along with a rudimentary touch screen. Text was capable of being entered using a stylus. Of course consumers needed more, therefore the Nokia communicator line arrived on the scene in 1996 merging Hewlitt-Packard's PDA (personal digital assistant) with Nokia's finest mobile phone. Earliest models paired the PDA and cellphone by using a hinge. Nokia in addition possessed the very first camera phone as well as the first Wi-Fi smart phone.

Products simply exploded onto the marketplace from that time period on with the development of the Blackberry, Palm Treo, and then the Windows smart phones. By that time, you also were able to send out and obtain email. In 2007 Nokia launched a smart phone with GPS, an auto focus digital camera, 3G and Wi-Fi functionality. Over the following couple of years these features had become common on high-end smart phones. These days we now have Android, I Phones, and many more. As quickly as you can figure out how to use one of these devices, some company launches a smart phone that is faster and superior and everyone desires to own one of these latest devices. It is a given that as product availability continues to expand, the prices of these products will continue to find themselves on a downward spiral. There really are not that many people that can afford to pay $500.00 for the privilege of owning a smart phone nowadays.

Fortunately, smartphones can be found at a wide range of prices and for someone that really must have one. An affordable smartphone will probably always be available for their budget to handle.

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Mobile Smart Phones Keep You Connected

Mobile smart phones are not a single brand belonging to any one company, but rather the term refers to phones that have capabilities exceeding those of an ordinary cell phone. These phones have features that include processors that are more powerful than standard cell phones as well as more memory and a better operating system.

These phones usually employ the use of a touch screen instead of buttons and have more of a computer feel to them than a phone. Built in computer chips are the reason why they're so 'smart' and they work by using processors. Some have SD cards or memory you can take out and put in compatible phone. This is a handy feature in case you ruin your phone your information will be saved.

Like many people, you probably come with a lot of technology baggage if you have a cell phone, an iPod, a digital camera plus all sorts of devices that were made to bring you the best and latest in technology.

But carrying around several devices can get cumbersome not to mention annoying trying to keep track of all that stuff. You need to simplify all the gadgets you have to keep up with yet you still need the hardware that can give you the same networking ability.

That's why you need to invest in purchasing a mobile smart phone. No more numerous devices for you take with you. A smart phone brings everything you need together and packs it all in one simple piece of equipment.

You'll get your calendar to keep track of appointments, your phone, a way to listen to music plus take pictures as well as a phone that can check email like a computer. Most have other computer like abilities including being able to watch television shows, videos and some even act as book readers.

Not only will you get many of the same features you enjoy on a home computer, but you can also get phones that act as a GPS system, gives you a compass and even lets you download and play games when you have some time to kill. With most standard cell phones, you basically get what you're given and you don't have any other choice if you don't like what's on the phone.

When you purchase a smart phone, you'll be able to put what you'd like to have on the system because you'll be able to reconfigure the phone as long as you understand the application programming and they're fairly simple so most people get them. The mobile smart phone may be a way to keep people connected, but it's so much more than a phone. It's changed the way people communicate for the better.

Still trying to figure out what type of cell phone you should be buying then check out this great Smart Cell Phones blog or this cool place to find the Best Smart Phones and make the right and informed choice.

N97 Nokia Phone - Smart Phone Central With Touchscreen Control

The smart phone of the century is has hit the market with a great phone Nokia N97. The new N97 provides you with the newest features in smart phones out there today. If you are looking for a smart phone that provides you with a built in digital camera, then this smart phone is for you. This new Nokia phone gives you the most updated technology in smart phones in the world. The Nokia Company provides us with another smart phone that gives us the features we need.

The Nokia N97 gives us a new level of technology of the built in keyboard that allows you to message like a small PC computer. The key board provides you with the technology you need to make the emailing and texting system simple. The N97 brings you the features of the nice slide out keyboard and nice outlook. As you know smart phones have everything built in that we need, including media and Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi is something every smart phone needs. The Internet on a cell phone is the most important thing for texting and emailing. That's why the N97 from Nokia has brought you the Wi-Fi built in to provide you the Internet access you need. The network this mobile phone uses is the best one yet and allows you to download the files you need fast.

If you are looking for a smart phone that has massive memory then you should look no further as the Nokia N97 has 20 GB of memory that allows you to save many pictures and videos. When you get this high end smart phone you will be happy with the memory that is built in. Nokia N97 provides you with the option of buying more memory that allows you to have more memory on a SD card. The smart phones that are out there today don't have as much memory as the Nokia N97. The built in memory of the Nokia N97 provides you with plenty of downloadable feature that customize your phone.

The Bluetooth that's built in the Nokia N97 provides you with the music you need on the FM radio. The FM radio allows you to her a lot of the most update songs in your area. The Bluetooth is a good feature to the N97, which gives you another media option to the phone. The phone also provides you with the media player built in software that allows you to play any format out there today for music.

If you have a Nokia N97 and work long hours at your job and need music, then you should know that the N97 has the features of giving you that music you want. The Downloading of the music is fast and easy. The music that you can download is endless and provides you with the large list of music's that is out there. When you go out and buy your Nokia N97 you will like the outcome you will get with the latest and highest specification mobile phone to be released by the manufacturer to date.

Joining the new Nokia N97 is the new Nokia E63, for more details on both of these handsets please refer to our mobile phones website.

Smart Phones Improvement - Always For the Better

Smart phones are amazing. Unlike normal phones, we can use smart phones for different tasks such as making calls, sending text messages, checking emails and surfing the internet. You can even access GPS system for navigation. Most of the high technology features are available for this type of mobile phones. As usual, when it comes to having so many features, the price can be rather high for some people.

How do we define smart phones?

They are PC-like gadget, which explains why we can use smart phones to do many things that we can only do by using PC or a laptop. With a complete OS running underneath those cover, smart phone is truly the latest gadget to get things done.

For example, there is no need to work in the office to get your work done. This is important because some of you might need to travel. You can use the phone to easily help you out from replying urgent emails, communicating with your staff or colleagues through instant messaging and even surf the internet for information you need fast and easy. Who says you can't go online using a mobile phone?

Long gone the days when we use a phone to talk to someone far away or to send text messages only. This is a whole new era when smart phones are conquering the market real fast. These days, there are more high technology phones than there were a decade ago. Most of the latest phones in the market are somehow integrated with the latest technologies.

Do you need a smart phone?

First of all, before you get a smart phone, you need to ask yourself do you need a smart phone at all. Not everyone need a smart phone, that is for sure. This is because some people just need a phone for calling and text messages, not for internet or more complicated use of the phone.

However, if you are a businessman, you should find yourself in need of a smart phone that can helps you to manage your business much better. Example of smart phones include Nokia E-Series, Nokia N-Series, Blackberry Series, Apple iPhone and HTC Series.

LG, Samsung and Sony Ericsson are also producing smart phones but so far Blackberry, Apple iPhone and Nokia would be the most popular. How would you choose a phone that is suitable for you? Check out the features and find the one that has the most features you need.

Since there are so many smart phones available, you should have no problem in finding smart phone deals. After all, even if you cannot afford to buy a smart phone, you can always get phone contracts for any of the phones you want.

Reasons For Cheap Smart Phones Manufactured in China

Smart phones are the talk of the town and there is real buzz about them all over the world. Although every one wants to own a phone, not all can afford phones from say Sharp or Apple. The search is always on for cheap smart phones. Phones which are manufactured in China have been the right kind of answer for people looking and hoping for cheap Smart phones. They are a real boon for people who can not afford original phones. These phones which are manufactured in China we initially sold internationally by some traders who exported such phones to other parts of the world or sold in the websites of companies which manufacture these phones in China. Now days there are lot of websites in Europe and America which sell these phones from China. Chinese Smart phones are becoming very popular all over the world, apart from being cheap they have model which replicate the top Apple or Sharp phones. As a result of which they are a great substitute for top models of phones produced else where in the world. Here are some of the reasons how the Chinese are able to manufacture cheap phones.

1. Popular phone manufacturers like Apple or Sharp spend a lot of time and money on the research and analysis for every model they produce. This involves a lot of cost and is one of the major reasons why their phones are very expensive. If you take the case of phones manufactured in China there is hardly any amount of research and analysis if there is any. As they just need to replicate the popular models of original phones manufactured by western countries they do not need much of research and analysis. These cheap smart phones companies usually buy the panels or ready made case molds which resemble the popular brands and then they fill it with their own components so on the outside they resemble like the popular brands.

2. Also these original phone manufacturers have a lot of testing to be done before they release a model. Cheap smart phones manufacturers do not have to do much testing as they are just imitating these original models. Testing does incur quite a bit of expense.

3. One of major reasons why cheap smart phones manufacturers are able to fake or duplicate the popular models of phones is the fact there is no copyright law in China. They do not have to worry about faking a model and be sued for that, this makes big difference when you compare it with other parts of the world. They are allowed to duplicate as much as they can and sell it very openly in the market with any fear what so over.

4. These Cheap Smart phones from China use MediaTek Inc chipsets for their phones which is very less in cost compared the various kinds of chipsets the popular brands in the world use. These chipsets are just about adequate for the function these cheap smart phones offer.

Phones which are manufactured in China have been the right kind of answer for people looking and hoping for cheap Smart phones.

Smart Phone - Packing in Quite a Punch

A smart phone as the term suggests is not a merely a phone but can be used for various purposes.

It is a highly advanced cell phone defined by cutting-edge technology and enables the user to access his email, send voice mails or faxes and browse the internet. Comprising of various document formats like the excel sheet, word document etc, the smart phone is very handy for business travelers as all business documents can easily be accessed or sent. It also has the capacity to edit documents. SMS messages functions, chat functions like Yahoo or MSN messenger are also included in this device. A full-function keyboard which is very similar to the keyboard of the PC is also provided by it.

A high resolution screen with a built-in camera ensures that pictures taken from this phone will be of the highest quality. Many come with the 1.3 mega pixel camera which also has video recording facilities and this ensures top quality clips or videos. The high resolution LCD screen is ideal for displaying the pictures in the correct light.

The latest Bluetooth technology is incorporated in a smart phone and this makes wireless communication possible. The phone can be used to send and receive data to and from any other Bluetooth-enabled devices like Macs, PCs, laptops and other similar cell phones.

For music lovers, the in-built digital mp3 player in the phone lets them enjoy music anywhere and anytime. Other famous music formats like WAV, WMA can also be played on this mp3 player. No other device is needed to listen to favorite numbers if you have a smart phone.

Offering superior connectivity choices, the smart phone can support video conferences and video calls also, thus widening its range of connectivity options.

GPS navigation system which has almost become indispensable now is also one of the advantages to be enjoyed by users of this particular device. A digital calendar helps keep track of all important dates and the calculator is handy for those impromptu calculations. Additional features like these add to the value of the product.

A smart phone is a truly integrated mobile device with an ever-widening range of uses. Advancing technology has made it more user-friendly and simpler to function. A cell phone has become a natural extension of one`s self and one cannot dream of steeping out without the cell phone. Till the smart phone came along, the normal cell phone with many new features was considered the epitome of latest technology. With the arrival of smart phones, this has changed because the newer phones offer so much more advantages and features.

The operating system of this phone is the heart of its functionality. Besides, Windows Mobile, it uses Symbian and Apple operating system. By permitting third party integration of software applications, the smart phones offer diverse functions and therein lay it ever-growing popularity. They can take in more mediums and more services than the normal cell phones which gives them a definite upper hand over the cell phones.

Smart phone also provides superior gaming thrills and have various graphic enhancement options. TV viewing, downloading internet videos and playback; the choices are endless with this phone. New software can be checked out with the help of this device and the phone kept updated. It has the ability to store a large amount of memory, so, one need never fear of data getting lost or the lack of memory space hindering storage of fresh data.

Smart phone is not just a new kid on the block but has revolutionized the way we perceive the functionality of cell phones.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Can Microsoft Bridge Australia's Two-Tier Business Smart Phone Market?

With mobile penetration exceeding 100% of the population, wireless and mobility has truly become part and parcel of Australian business. Developments in mobile technology, from the launches of broadband 3.5G networks to the proliferation of smart mobile devices, have taken Australian enterprise mobility movements to new heights in the past 18 months.

Australian-based telecom market researcher Telsyte has recently released a report titled "Australian Business Smart Phone Vendors, 2007 Competitive Analysis" based on interviews with executives Australia's six leading smart phone suppliers: Nokia, RIM, Palm, Motorola, i-Mate and Sony Ericsson.

Telsyte research finds that the Australian business smart phone market is two-tier, with the first tier dominated by proprietary operating system device vendors Nokia and RIM. However strong preference for Microsoft Windows is providing second-tier suppliers such as Palm, Motorola, i-Mate, O2 and Samsung - an opportunity to catch up as smart phones become more mainstream. Other key findings from that study include:

· Mobile email continues to reign supreme as the number-one mobile business application among corporate Australia. However, future growth will be driven by the "second wave" of mobile applications - the mobilisation of business process-centric applications led by such applications as customer relationship management, sales force and field force automation.

· The "hottest" mobile technologies are 3G and smart phones, with usage of these two technologies expect to reach 60% of Australian firms in the next 12 months.

· Three-quarters of one million smart phones will be shipped in Australia in 2007, constituting 8% of all mobile phone shipments. The share of smart phones shipped will double by 2010, with shipments as a proportion of all mobile devices growing from 1 in 12 currently to nearly 1 in 6 in three years' time.

· Based on six critical competitive parameters, including a device vendor's control over device design and manufacturing, availability of form factors and customisability of applications, control over operating system, and public brand awareness, Nokia emerges as the best-positioned vendor in the Australian business smart phone marketplace, followed closely by RIM, manufacturer of the BlackBerry solution and the only major vendor currently without 3G devices.

· Nokia scores high in fixed-mobile functionality, offers the most comprehensive features incorporating consumer and enterprise functionality, and performs extremely well on brand awareness.

· RIM's strengths lie in the full control of its own operating system, which delivers the unique secure push email experience. RIM also scores well in device manufacturing and application customisation.

· Both Sony Ericsson and Motorola have a weak line-up of business smart phones. (This is surprising given they both are or associated with telecom network equipment vendors). However, they have more than compensated with rich consumer features.

· Palm has rejuvenated its standing by launching the latest smart phones, which are 3G-enabled and run the Microsoft Windows operating system, while i-Mate continues to focus on high-end devices and takes advantage of the Microsoft momentum.

· All smart phone vendors are adopting a wait-and-see approach with respect to WiMAX support in devices. Meanwhile, the promotion of WiFi functionality in smart phones - and vendors' launch of WiFi-enabled device - appears to be rather significantly influenced by mobile operators, cautious of the potential cannibalisation effect of WiFi on their business.

· The battle of mobile operating systems is still on, with half of business users undecided. With Apple iPhone jumping into the fray with its own operating system, this battle will further intensify.

· While Nokia and RIM dominate the business smart phone market currently, very strong interest in Microsoft Windows as the mobile operating system of choice is providing tier-two device vendors an opportunity to emerge in this fast-growing market.

· Nokia also leads in terms of user perceptions on competitive pricing, ease of use, technology innovation, PC compatibility, business offerings and design. Not surprisingly, RIM fares well in technology innovation, business offerings and PC compatibility while Motorola and Sony Ericsson, more popular among smaller-size companies, perform relatively well in ease of use and design.

· Convergence of functionality is underway as enterprise-focused devices like BlackBerry and i-Mate are increasingly incorporating consumer-focused features with the addition of rich media, while consumer-focused device vendors like Sony Ericsson are incorporating the best-of-breed solutions including QWERTY keys, push email to appeal to the enterprise user.

Telsyte recommends that smart phone vendors differentiate by offering choice of form factors, lead with the latest features, market directly to uses to gain mindshare, and reach out to the IT managers with specific solutions. For business users, Telsyte recommends standardising operating systems to create synergies and optimise costs across platforms, and planning for fixed-mobile convergence.

About the Author

Warren Chaisatien is the Managing Director of Telsyte at - an Australian-based market research and consultancy specialised in the competitive intelligence of the converged communications market. Telsyte?s expertise is centred around the three core competency areas of Carrier & Broadband, Mobile & Wireless, and Enterprise Communications. Telsyte provides industry insights through custom research and consulting as well as ongoing research, including market reports and online databases.

Palm Inc Raised The Bar With Treo Smart Phones

In the last decade, mobile phones have stopped being juts a device for voice calls but have become a gadget for data communications. First, there was SMS or Short Message Service, a service that allowed people to send alphanumeric messages to mobile phones using the GSM network. Now the mobile phones have been packed with so many features including full keyboards, multi-media support capacity, internet connectivity and other mobile applications.

Palm Inc. was among the first to introduce Smart phones with emailing and internet connectivity and full keyboards that made it easy to use the mobile phone as an extension of one's office. It allowed voice and data connectivity, both very important features for professionals on the go.

Today , the Treo Smart Phones from Palm Inc. are among the top choices of business executives and other professionals because of the mobile applications that allow people to use their phones for a variety of purposes. All high technology features of the Treo Smart phones would be for naught if it weren't for its ease of use. The latest Treo Smart Phones with Windows OS are even more easy to use than the first Smart phones introduced years ago. The Windows OS also allow the Treo Smart phones to handle Windows documents better allowing you to work seamlessly between your PC and your mobile phone. Both the Windows OS and the Palm OS also make the Treo phones among the fastest mobiles in the market, allowing for a great computing experience and a seamless internet connection.

Today, Treos are still among the much-coveted phones. With WiFi and lighter and slimmer form factors, Palm has really raised the bar in mobile phones. Aside from the voice and data connectivity, the Treo also features a camera and supports both still photo and video. The phone's operating systems also allow support of various multi-media. Mobile phones these days are really more like mobile computers in a light and tight form. Packed with features, the new mobile phones may be considered cheap considering that such technologies were not available just a decade ago and that owning mobile phones then that only featured voice calls already cost an arm and a leg.

Aside from the quick tour upon phone start up, there are also a number of websites that offer great information on the Treo phones. These websites offer reviews of the latest Treo mobile phones and even the latest discounts and packages from different mobile networks helping consumers get the best deals on Treo Smart phones. There are websites that provide some of the most useful information on Treo phones on the internet. Aside from great deals and packages, these websites even have eBooks or complete guides that will help you learn navigate your mobile phone and get the most out of it. The Smart phones have a lot of great features that are not described in the phones' quick tour. Even if the phone is designed to provide ease-of-use, it is still best to get expert information on your mobile phone.

Ahmed Foaud is the author of this article on Treo Smart Phone. Find more information about Plam Treo Smart Phone here.

Why You Should Compare Smart Phones Before You Buy?

The cell phone market is huge and with so many models, what do you buy. Specifically you need to compare smart phones before you buy any. So why is this so important, you may ask.

I think the most important questions to ask yourself, what do you need it for and what applications are important to you. The problems is generally that most smart phones come with a price tag, so keep that in mind.

Some of the better known smart phones are the iPhone, Blackberry, Google G1, Palm and the HTC. They are all great looking phones, but some are larger and not as easy to use then others. A lot of people like the thinner and smaller size of the iPhone, others like the use of maybe the Blackberry or Palm smart phone.

More often then not it comes down to personal taste and liking of usage of the phone. But before you even decide what phone you like because of the look or the ease of use, you need to make sure the phone of choice can be supported on your current network. For example the iPhone is traditionally exclusive to AT&T, although if you buy it without a contract and get the unofficial unlock for it, you can use it with T-Mobile.

So when you compare smart phones always be sure to check first with your current network if your choice of phone works on that particular network, especially if you have a contract that still has a while to run. Once you have figured out what smart phone can be use on your network then i think personally you need to ask yourself if it is for business or personal use. The HTC Touch Pro or HTC Touch Diamond are known to be excellent smart phones for business.

But if you buy one purely for personal use then some of the best rated ones are, from cheapest to more expensive, the Palm Centro, BB Pearl or BB Curve. If money is no object then the Palm 800w is highly praised by it's users. But if you are looking for something very different, then the Peek is a very easy, and only $20/month mobile messaging handheld, unlimited email, texting, even twitter and blogs, which is handy for the stuff that's really valuable on your smart phone.

Another option you have is a qwerty keyboard smart phone and if you want all the thrills, great call quality, excellent design, long battery life and qualify as a phone before a messaging device, then the Nokia E51 is an excellent choice.

At the end of the day it comes down to what you want from the phone, are you looking for design, capabilities or price range. If money is no option and you want to have as many as possible applications for your phone then the iPhone will thrill you with 25k applications and counting. So when you compare smart phones make sure first that the phone of choice works on your network, otherwise it comes down to personal choice and price range.

Andrew Jameson helps consumers through in-depth reviews to make the right choice when buying the newest cell phones []. If you are not sure which cell phone suits your needs best then please visit his site to get the full facts on smart phones like the Blackberry Curve 8320 Titanium [], HTC Touch Pro, Palm Treo 600 and much more.

Get Smart With Your Smart Phone Habits

Over the last few years, the world of electronics gear has witnesses the spectacular rise of the smart phone, a revolutionary kind of personal mobile device that combines the simple usefulness of the cell phone with the more sophisticated applications and functions of computers as well as the convenience of internet access. Smart phones come in many different shapes and sizes and there are many different brands producing them, and these days it is not uncommon to see that one person has more than one. Yet for as smart as the phone itself may be and despite however many such gadgets a person may have, that doesn't necessarily make the owner's habits and usage very smart; that is something that only comes with experience and a little awareness of the resources out there that can help smart phone owners wise up in their habits.

Though taking care of one's smart phone is important, even more important is knowing when to sell it and replace it with a new one. In fact, more important still is knowing that selling is always-let it be repeated, always-a better option than merely throwing it away. Sound dumb? Well, it's anything but, as in fact there is bound to be a buyer for your smart phone even if it is as good as dead. Identifying such buyers is a major part of getting smart in one's habits, and these days there are various online businesses that specialize in precisely this sort of niche market and it is fairly easy to distinguish the reputable operations from the not-so-reputable ones.

The first sign of a reliable and trustworthy business operating in this field is quality treatment of real and prospective customers. You'll want to look for businesses that make convincing pledges and offer a very convenient service: for example, the ability for a person to get a quote for their smart phone in relatively little time and subsequently (should they decide to close the deal and sell their piece) to have all shipping expenses taken care of by the buying company. On top of convincing pledges, you'll want to keep your eyes open for even more convincing guarantees of a legitimate and reputable business, such as the "TRUSTe" or the "VeriSign" logos, among other seals.

What these businesses are doing is they are changing the map of the smart phone universe, making it friendlier to end-users. Thanks to such operations, it is no longer necessary to suffer for months and months with a malfunctioning or plain dead one before buying a new one and/or bothering with the complicated process of getting repair work done (which will likely be charged at an exorbitant rate). Rather, users have the possibility of simply getting a generous and expedited payment for their old phone and moving on to their next product, whatever brand or model it happens to be. If you've yet to experience such sensible services, surely it's time for you to get smart with your smart phone habits.

To stay permanently happy as a smart phone owner, you simply have to check out Never again will you hesitate to move on to your next smart phone purchase after visiting this game-changing site.